A smarter approach to your inspections

Enhance your inspections with smart templates and one-click reporting for improved efficiency and accuracy.

Trusted by industry leaders
Danish Offshore Supply logoPIL logoReederei F. Laeisz logoTechnipFMC logoUSC Barnkrug logoAquaship logoScandlines logoMF Shipping Group logo
Danish Offshore Supply logoPIL logoReederei F. Laeisz logoTechnipFMC logoUSC Barnkrug logoAquaship logoScandlines logoMF Shipping Group logo
The inspection app built for shipping
Fully customisable
Create tailored inspection and report templates equipped with smart variables, ensuring all your documentation meets the requirements of each inspection.
Image capture with annotations & drawings
Capture unlimited number of images add draw directly on the image using touch-gestures.
Offline capability
Conduct thorough inspections anywhere, anytime—even offline—using our mobile app.
Collaborative inspections
Easily assign inspections to team members or external personnel, enhancing flexibility and efficiency.
Automated reports
Generate comprehensive, professional reports instantly, based on your own templates, complete with images and detailed findings.
How it works
From template to report in four easy steps
Create template
Customize templates for various inspection types.
Assign and schedule
Use the inspection template to create an inspection event, assign a colleague and set a deadline.
Conduct the inspection
Use our mobile app for a seamless inspection, adding comments and images as needed.
Generate your report
Produce detailed reports instantly, with the option for final edits before publishing.
Frequently asked questions
Is it difficult to switch from my current process?
How long does it take to get started?
Are there any limitations to the types of inspections I can carry out?
Can I assign inspections to third parties?
Can I conduct inspections offline?

Get in touch today to get started with a smarter approach to inspections

An inspection app built for the maritime industry.